Written by: Megan Dennis

Sales are what the survival of every business depends on, and in today’s technologically advanced world, increasing sales needs a strong presence. In the year 2017, e-commerce contributed $2.3 trillion in global sales, and this number is expected to double by the year 2021. So if you want your business to be successful, then you need to have a strong SEO strategy planned.

SEO strategies improve your online presence and boost sales. But with constant evolvement in SEO, it can be difficult for one to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Here are five full-proof SEO strategies that will increase sales of your business.

Be Keyword Clever

Keywords play one of the essential roles in SEO, as, without them, it is not possible to attract consumers. A straightforward way of explaining this is if you have a leather bags company. The most obvious keyword to rank for is ‘leather bags,’ similarly, there are other keywords and phrases that you need to know your customers may use to locate you. For this, you must study your target audience well.

Keywords are implemented in content, webpages, URLs, image descriptions, headings, page titles, metadata, and emails. There are several keyword planning tools, such as Google AdWords, to create keywords. Long-tail keywords work as well, as half the searches are of more than four words. Once you figure out the most appropriate keywords to use, it is easy for you to connect with prospects who are looking to buy what you’re selling.

Create Stellar Content

Keywords are vital, but they are nothing without great content. Content is something more than keywords, and it is a tool which changes prospects into something that helps you attract customers and provides them with something you know they value. It is a medium through which you can reach out to the existing and new audience. Use relevant keywords in your content, and make sure it is pertinent to your business.

How does Content Increase Sales?

When an individual looks for a product or service, they go on the internet and search for information about it. As a result, they get several webpages, social media posts, blogs, and other content designed to answer their queries and deliver information. When you create stellar content, you provide information to your target audience in an exciting manner that attracts them towards your business, and this way that individual converts into a customer.

Offer Factor uses its content in a way which would attract their customers immediately. They have mentioned a 40% off sale on their home page to alert women about it, so they buy their products instantly.

There are several ways to deliver content, such as through blogs, infographics, podcasts, videos, animations, guest blogs, user-generated content, lists, ebooks and white-papers, how-to guides, product reviews, and many more. Video has proven to generate 50 times better results than text-based content.

Use Social Media to Grow Your Audience and Reach

Social media is one of the fastest-growing element and one that is necessary for a successful SEO strategy. Today, almost everyone is present on one of the many social media platforms. People turn towards these platforms to gain information about brands and to connect with them online. According to a stat, 79% of people turn to Facebook. This gives you an idea about which platform to use the most when attracting customers.

Today several fashions, local and international brands and more, use different social media platforms to connect and build relationships with their customers. These platforms provide you with a way of showing a human side of your brand — use this as a marketing tool and boost up your sales.

Go Local and Go Mobile

In recent years, among some changes that have been made to SEO techniques, two most significant ones are the emphasis on local and mobile content. These two go side by side, as local SEO has become extremely important with the increasing use of mobile devices. Instead of using desktops or tablets, most of the businesses researches made by customers are made on mobile. More than 50% of searches are from mobile phones.

This clearly shows how important it is for your business to focus on local content that is mobile friendly. If you want to increase your sales and drive people to your physical or e-commerce store, then you should be focusing on creating local content, and have it designed in such a way that it is mobile friendly.

Develop an Integrated Strategy to Keep You on Track

If you want SEO to help in thriving your business, then you can’t do it as a part-time thing or put minimal effort. Boosting sales with SEO requires dedication, intelligence and lots of constant hard work. For this, you need to have a strategy that includes the things we have mentioned above.

Start with building a team that is familiar with how SEO works — individuals who understand the goals of your business and can help you achieve it by using SEO strategies the right way.

Every business struggles to increase their sales — they are the main focus of a company and indicate success. If your sales increase that means your business is a success, if not, then there is no reason to be worried since you can work on several strategies, like the ones mentioned above, to increase your sales.