We all know and love Agile boards. Whether they are a simple three-column progress indicator or a complex design representing our whole process, there is no doubt how much easier they do our projects.

However, when starting out or wanting to innovate, the form of the board can also seem to constrict. That’s why this week, I want to take a look at some more innovative ways of interpreting the Agile board. Hopefully giving you some inspiration and ideas for your Agile transformation!

Agile Marketplace

We are used to seeing Agile boards that are oriented towards one team or one purpose. And while those are still at use on the team level, this example brings a new board to be used by the different POs of the same company. The name market place brings some sense in what this board is meant to be –  a place to share, define priorities, and decide on the common goals. It creates a space for the Agile teams to collaborate instead of focusing on their piece of the story.

Visual Project Organisation

Are you a visual person at heart? Well, then you will undoubtedly love this one. Instead of focusing on three process steps (To Do, Doing, and Done), the author of this board only concerns themselves with two – To Do and Done. The board is instead divided and color-coordinated to represent all of them. This allows you to quickly see how much work is to be done in each field and also makes your workspace look just a little more beautiful.

Solo Business

Kanban can also be great for those of you working alone as it becomes a great motivator. Ever had trouble coming up with new designs while at the same time trying to construct and promote? The owner of this board certainly has. However, visualizing all of the work on a modified Kanban board helped them move through bottlenecks and focus on one issue at a time. This creating a more clear headspace and enabling productivity.

Agile in your Personal Life

As it turns out, Agile can not only help us concentrate during office hours but also manage off-hour activities. In this example, various events are separated not by progress columns, but by the days of the week instead, which makes sense for our personal lives where certain things have to be done on a particular day. Nonetheless, it allows the user to observe progress, identify bottlenecks, and focus on the priority items each day.

Family Kanban Board

Thought Agile could only be found in professional settings? This family disagrees. They have successfully adopted Kanban methodology to teach their kids the responsibility of doing various tasks around the house. Which has also helped with their workload as parents? To make the process more enjoyable, the kids get a reward of their choice after a certain number of tasks are completed, teaching them about money. Win-win.

Got an unusual Agile board of your own? Share with me in the comments, and I will make sure to feature it next time!