, Building Your Next Sprint With Eylean Board, Eylean Blog, Eylean Blog

Building a sprint is not only a difficult but also a very important task. You need to identify the priorities and set realistic goals for the whole team at the same time providing a meaningful result in the end. So there is no surprise many struggle in the beginning and even the most experienced Scrum Masters sometimes run into trouble.

While there are no definite guarantees against anything in this world it is always better to face uncertainty prepared and sure in your processes. This is exactly what Eylean Board goal is and here are 5 ways planning your next sprint with our tool will make you not only more sure of your process, but also happier.

Easy start

They say, having a successful start is half the job and in fact whatever it is we do, starting it is often the most difficult. Therefore with Eylean we made the start as easy as possible – all you need to start planning your next sprint is dragging and dropping your chosen user stories. You can even play around by moving them back and forth! Once you are set on the sprint backlog, double click the desired story, add detailed information, due dates, attachments and divide it into as many tasks as needed. You can even add su-btasks to the tasks and sub-sub-tasks to the sub-tasks. Forget the messy cards, lost information or unclear DODs, with Eylean everything is in one place and accessible to the whole team at any given time.

, Building Your Next Sprint With Eylean Board, Eylean Blog, Eylean Blog

Comparable estimations

Once you are done with choosing the user stories, it is time to involve your team. Here is where it is sometimes hard to decide which task will take what time and comparing them to each to each other may become simply uneasy with a new team. While we cannot do all of the work for you, Eylean Board neatly displays all of the estimations on the top right corner of each task as soon as you enter it. Thus making it easy to visualize, compare and discuss the estimates while looking for the best mutual decision.

, Building Your Next Sprint With Eylean Board, Eylean Blog, Eylean Blog

Intuitive team management

Keeping track of what is happening with every single team member in the team can become a hassle. You don’t want to be the annoying boss and the team will not likely report every single action they take even though you need to know it. Just to make sure the important stuff is getting done. Eylean doe not only show which team member is responsible for which tasks, what is their progress and if there are any issues, it also provides you with a quick information resume in the form of a dashboard. You can check how many tasks where completed that day, how many hours worked and the assignments left for each team member to do.

, Building Your Next Sprint With Eylean Board, Eylean Blog, Eylean Blog

Automated reporting

Just like keeping your eye on the team, tracking your progress is no less important than planning the work. When it comes to a cumulative workflow, it is imperative to keep a steady pace, but generating such graph can be burdensome. With Eylean you can forget the trouble – automatically generated cumulative workflow, burndown chart and many other reports are always live and ready for your keen eye. , Building Your Next Sprint With Eylean Board, Eylean Blog, Eylean Blog Task moving between sprints

Lastly, no matter how good your planning is, there might be some hurdles on your way and the team will have to move some of the tasks to the next sprint. You may start to worry about moving all of the information, not missing anything important, but when you have Eylean Board, simply remember the fun drag&drop feature. Click that unfinished story and move it right into the next sprint, with all of the information in tact and ready to be worked on.

What gets you the most when running sprints? Share with us in the comments!