Whether you are taking Agile on for the very first time, coming back to it after a previous attempt or simply going from one Agile method to another, there are some key things to remember if you want to keep the transition smooth. Check out our 5 key tips on a smooth Agile transition to end up on the right side of change.

  • Understand what is ahead

As with any change in life, first and foremost, you have to take some time and understand what is ahead. We are sure you have not chosen your new method impulsively and put in time and thought making sure it was the right fit. So do not cheat yourself and take some time aside to really understand how this change is going to affect your processes, your team and your company. It may seem silly but having a clear future vision in your head will help you better understand and guide the transition once it takes place.

  • Prepare all around

After understanding what lies ahead and what you want to accomplish, make sure to prepare for it. This includes not only informing your team about the changes you are going to make and the benefits you hope to achieve, but also taking certain actions to physically accommodate the new processes and put tools in place to make it easier to implement. Do not be quick to jump on any solution right away – there are many tools out there nowadays which means you can find a perfect fit if you put in some effort. Lastly, think about the stakeholders – inform them about the changes you are making and how it is going to affect them.

  • Communicate

Some of the biggest failures in anything we do is due to the lack of communication and Agile is no different. It is extremely important to keep these lines open not only during the implementation of the change but through the whole process and after. This way you will be able to hear, adjust and reason with each other, thus making sure that the method is being accepted and all of the decisions are explained. While change may bring uncertainty, communication will bring clarity to you and your team.

  • Adjust

Always remember, that Agile is not a definitive method. Thus if you see your team struggling with a certain part of it, or that your process is simply different, do not be afraid to change and modify it to your needs. This may seem difficult for the first few times, but practice makes perfect and if you start with small changes and test them out, soon you will find yourself with a custom made Agile method for your team. Therefore do not get stuck, but instead modify to suit your needs.

  • Give it time

Lastly, as with any change, you will need patience. Do not expect that Agile will work overnight, this might happen, but more often than not – it won’t. So keep those lines of communication open, inspect what works and what doesn’t, adjust and wait. Sooner than later you will find yourself going about as if Agile was there all along. Trust the process – don’t rush it.

Have your advice for an Agile transition? Share with us in the comments!