As a project management software company, we are often asked, which of the PM methods are the most popular and most commonly used today.  To find the answer to this question, there is no better way but to ask or look into the market itself. So today we take a look into boards, reports and task actions that Eylean users choose the most.

, Top 10 – Boards, Reports and Task Actions, Eylean Blog, Eylean Blog

Looking at the top boards, we find a variety of them at the disposal of Eyleaners. There are Kanban, Scrum and Scrumban boards being used by some, TFS template boards, used by others, but the overall winner, however, is the Basic board. This might seem strange with the overwhelming popularity of Agile methods today, however, there is quite a few reasons behind this choice, such as a complicated process, transition between methods, adoption of a new method and so on. Choosing a basic board option, allows the team to start using the tool quickly and to develop the exact process on the go, by modifying the board to suit their needs.

The top 10 most used reports are as varied as the boards the teams choose. However, the top 5 is not really surprising. At the 5th and 4th place we see two reports crucial for the ever more popular Agile process – Cumulative Flow Diagram and Burndown Chart. In the 3rd and 2nd place, there are two time tracking reports – Time by user and Monthly by task. Proving that time tracking is not only important, but useful in allowing the team to monitor the time expenditures and to evaluate the coming work load more accurately. And lastly, in the 1st place we find the Dashboard designed to quickly overlook the progress and identify any problems and bottlenecks. Therefore we can say that the most used reports are also the most useful reports.

Lastly, looking at the task actions users choose to perform, we also find a great variety. However, most users choose to update tasks with new information as the project goes along, track time when they start working on tasks, add new tasks to the board and rename the tasks to make them more representative. This pains quite a clear picture of how project management teams are using the board and makes it clear that keeping the information up to date and tracking time expenditures is important not only in the day to day activities, but also in overviewing and planning projects forward.

Have project management statistics of your own? Let’s discuss!