It is Cyber Monday and there are a lot of deals in the market. But we have something special for you. How about a 100% discount for unlimited time? Yes, you understood it correctly – starting from today Eylean is free for your personal use!

Since our start in 2010, hundreds of companies have chosen Eylean for their enterprise projects, including giants like British Petroleum, Hitachi, Velux and others. Using Eylean helps them implement Scrum, Kanban and Scrumban, and stay agile in the world of ever-changing requirements. We think it is time for everyone to have an opportunity to take advantage of Eylean and make their development process faster, easier, and more transparent. Therefore, we are making a personal edition of Eylean agile task board free of charge.

Personal edition of Eylean includes a fully fledged task board, reporting, and analytics. You will be able to download the software and manage your personal projects with a highly visual, Scrum– and Kanban-optimized task board. Personal edition also includes time-tracking functionality, as well as export to Excel and Outlook, so that you are able to use the agile tool in the most productive way and stay on top of your personal projects.

So get the new Eylean Personal Edition now – and get things done!